Wednesday 19 October 2011

The downside of getting fit

Sure, sure everyone thinks that getting fitter and back in shape is a good thing……well from my perspective – “not so much!”   As crazy at it sounds the upcoming expedition to Papua New Guinea (that’s my new name for it, rather than hike or trek – sounds so much more exotic don’t you think) in a host of areas is far outstripping the wonderful karma that I’ve building throughout my training and fundraising activities.   I’m sure some of you are thinking “WTF?”  
TW at the end of his Sunday hike - all 25km
Now it could be me, but indulge me and let me fill you in on the downside for just a minute.  
Firstly none of my pants fit me anymore – clearly I was getting a little chubby (thanks for not mentioning it) so in actual fact going down about 3” in waist size is a killer, cos not only does the waist not fit, but neither does the bum……just call me “baggy britches”.   So our friends at Harry Rosen, Banana Republic and assorted other stores have been happily taking my hard earned cash for more form fitting attire of recent weeks.   It’s funny how they always save that extra big and special smile for me as I traipse into the store yet again.
The second reason getting fit isn’t a good thing:  the amount of time I’ve been spending each week - on average about 8 hours per week of exercising, either hiking with my pack on my Sunday morning walks around Toronto, at the gym doing my weights routine or perhaps with Horace “the Mighty” Hunter (shredding me with those dastardly 2.5Ib torture devices he calls “hand weights”).   It’s a lot of time I could be putting to good use, let me see…..sleeping in till a sensible hour, even 6:30 am…..yes, that’s sleeping in folks.   Normally I’m up and either walking or working out around 5:30 at a minimum of five + days per week.   Let’s call this sleep deprivation shall we.
How about this one?   I mentioned to Horace that my left knee was sore at the joint during one of our infamous stretching episodes; quick as a flash he said that perhaps I need orthotics for my shoes.   As you can imagine I’m already way ahead of him and thinking of at least 10 reasons why I actually don’t need orthotics…….but there it is, the famous Horace smile.    “Fine” I’ll go and get it checked out I mutter almost imperceptibly.   The man has a steel trap for a memory as well – so two days later while on the mat stretching after yet another one of his killer workouts he asks innocently enough “so what did you find out about your knee?”  All I can do is grin sheepishly and try and weasel out of a response, all sorts of excuses, clearly he can see through this thinly veiled ruse…….”then don’t complain about it when we stretch if you’re not going to do anything about it”.   Wow, such a hard man!  
That morning in the car heading to work Jodie asks about the workout, and I fill her in on what Horace “the horrible” said to me.   She said go and make an appointment to see my Chiropractor she awesome, it’s downstairs in the concourse she says staring at me with that winning smiling.   Sure enough between Horace’s guilt and Jodie’s coaxing I decide to nip downstairs to grab my morning Starbucks and as I exit the escalator (lazy man that I am) there's the clinic just steps away….do I flee or do I man up and make an appointment (yes, you can see where this is going – it was a close thing I’ve got to tell you!) 
Next morning in my initial exam the doctor asks me about my activity level etc as part of my health history, I then go onto bore the living sh..t out of her about my upcoming expedition to New Guinea.  Instead of her rolling her eyes, her eyes light up as she tells me about her hiking in Newfoundland over the summer at Gros Morne National Park.  You see Dr Cynthia Chan is not just any Chiropractor she’s also an avid hiker!  
And yes she did recommend Orthotics…….bugger!    I must admit the knee feels better – thanks for asking, but my Achilles is now in serious spasm.  Just one more thing to adjust to – see I told you getting fit wasn’t good for you.
Damn that Horace J - he was right again!


  1. I don't know if I believe that you're working as hard as you say you are...maybe Horace could use your iPhone to capture some of these moments and you could post them? Lend some credibility to your claims?

  2. a workout video would be great. Down 3", I think I need a trek like that.

  3. Hi Terence. It was nice running into you on Sunday morning. I'm not sure whose kit was more scary: your waking sticks, 50 lb. pack, and trekking gear, or my day-glo shoes and shell with spandex tights. Either way, it must have been a strange sight to the orthodox folks as we chatted at Bathurst and Lawrence.

    I went through the same clothing issue last year training for triathlons. I hope you'll be joining me training/racing next spring to keep that fitness.

  4. Hey Tiffany - given your comment earlier this week, I asked Horace to video me this morning....I'm hoping to weave it into the next blog. Stay tuned!

  5. best part of this article... you take the escalator! i used to be too tired to walk up stairs and people would give me a look of "really... you can hardly do stairs". hey man - no stairs in Ironman. :)

    I can't help but compare everything you are going through to my years of Ironman. I had multiple wardrobes (normal size, fat off-season size, "super-skinny it must be racing times" size, and then "super-duper skinny how in the heck did i ever wear that? it probably only fit me for an hour" size!) :)

